Five Warning Signs That You Should Seek Treatment For Colon Polyps
Although most polyps are harmless and some don’t cause any symptoms, they can advance and affect the functionality of body parts like your colon. While you might not notice symptoms while suffering from some symptoms, overlooking seeking early diagnosis and treatment increases your risk for colon cancer. However, this doesn’t mean that this condition is inevitable since polyps Mineola can help you overcome the bothersome symptoms related to this condition.
If identified early, colon polyps can be treated and managed to help you enjoy every aspect of life. Nevertheless, identifying when to seek treatment for colon polyps can safeguard your long-term well-being. Let’s examine the five warning signs for seeking treatment for your colon polyps.
1.Persistent abdominal pain or discomfort
Abdominal pain and discomfort involving cramping, bloating, and gas pain indicate you might suffer from colon polyps. While this doesn’t necessarily indicate the presence of colon cancer, you shouldn’t ignore abdominal discomfort or pain. Because the colon is part of your digestive system, any changes in how your abdomen feels can indicate worsening symptoms of colon polyps.
2.Your stool looks bloody and abnormal
While there are normal variations in the stool, one of the ways to identify if your polyps are severe is your stool can tell. One of the most typical warning signs of colon polyps is blood in your stool. However, although several digestive disorders can cause a bloody stool, you should seek a medical evaluation to determine the ideal cause of this sign. Also, pencil-thin stool and alteration between diarrhea can be problematic variations associated with colon polyps.
3.Experiencing rectal bleeding
If your stool indicates bright and dark red blood patches, you’re more likely to suffer from colon polyps. When you experience this debilitating symptom, you should seek immediate medical evaluation as it proves that your polyps are worsening or either cancerous. However, a colonoscopy can help determine and improve your condition.
4.Unusual changes in bowel movements
Experiencing unexplained bowel movements and habits like diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting that last longer than usual might be a warning sign of colon polyps. Your colon is part of your digestive system and can affect your body’s functionality. When the polyps become larger, they can create a blockage, thus making it difficult for your bowel to perform its functions effectively.
5.Unexplained Fatigue
When your polyps are cancerous, the presence of these cells uses a lot of body energy, resulting in fatigue. Although fatigue can result from many health issues, fatigue, in conjunction with other polyps’ symptoms, indicate your condition might be cancerous. If you notice significant changes in your energy levels, especially when you’re already diagnosed with colon polyps, you get checked for colon cancer.
While colon polyps’ symptoms vary with individuals, you shouldn’t overlook any symptom related to this condition. Furthermore, early detection can help your doctor create customized options to help you navigate and overcome your condition. For troublesome symptoms, you can get advanced diagnostic procedures such as a colonoscopy to help determine the size and location of your polyps. If your polyps don’t improve during colonoscopy, your provider can opt for laparoscopic surgery to help remove large and cancerous polyps. If polyps affect your quality of life, seek evaluation and treatment instantly.