A confident smile leaves a lasting impression on us, however, as a powerful tool for communication, it is more than just straight white teeth to achieve that balanced smile. The size and symmetry of the teeth also play a part while we define a balanced smile. People with gummy smiles often feel conscious about how they look, as the teeth and gums do not seem balanced, and thus it leaves them self-conscious even though many of us do not even notice these things. That is why gum contouring, a cosmetic procedure of gum reshaping can help you achieve a more appealing smile. If you also want to improve your smile consult a family dentist in Hanover who can guide you with the procedure. Before that read this article to know more details.
What Is Gum Contouring?
Gum contouring is a surgical dental procedure of sculpting and reshaping your gum line to enhance the aesthetic or a medical reason. In this procedure, your gums are sculpted by removing the excess gum tissues thus exposing the tooth’s surface. Even though this is a cosmetic procedure it will also help with your oral health by removing extra gum tissues that might help bacteria and inflammation. This procedure is advised if you have receding gums, though a deep cleaning can help this condition.
Gum Contouring Procedure
Before going through the process it is better to understand whether you need this. Your dentist will help you determine that by examining your gums and teeth. In this procedure, you will be given anesthesia for a painless procedure followed by physical removal of extra gum tissues with the scalpel or laser. Laser is also used to seal the tissue giving you a perfect shape and preventing gum bleeding. After completion of the process, the recovery time is quicker. You might experience a bit of swelling or discomfort initially but after some time it will be better with proper aftercare. Regular dental checkups and consumption of a soft diet while avoiding spicy food are advised at least for a week.
Benefits And Risks Of Gum Contouring
One of the major benefits it has is the way it will give you a balanced smile thus enhancing your face aesthetics. By reshaping the gums, your teeth will look longer and more proportionate. Your gum line will be of better proportion to your teeth helping you achieve that symmetrical smile. Excessive gum tissues provide space for the bacteria to grow and spread infections, removing these excess tissues will provide a smooth surface which will make it easier for you to clean and reduce plaque buildup. This procedure has long-term effects unlike other cosmetic procedures, it gives you a permanent result because the gum tissues once removed do not grow back. While this is a safe and effective procedure it does carry some risks that you need to consider. As the gums are reshaped, you may experience sensitivity for a while. Since the tissues are removed it carries a risk of infections, as any other tissue removal process faces. It is very important to have proper aftercare procedures to avoid it.
Do You Need This Treatment?
All of us do not need this treatment, people with gummy smiles or the ones with uneven gums need this treatment. Even though this procedure enhances your look it is still a procedure with some risk so it is very important to consider the pros and cons before going ahead with this.
Consult A Dentist Soon!
To go ahead with the procedure consult your dentist, they will help you plan out your procedure and treatment plan as well as understand the need for the treatment. As a professional, they will guide you throughout the process of achieving a stunning smile.