Are you struggling with achieving a pregnancy? The journey to getting pregnant may be difficult if you are experiencing infertility, especially if you have tried for up to one year without success. You can visit a fertility clinic Newport Beach, CA, to evaluate different causes of female infertility and help you achieve a successful pregnancy. Infertility may develop due to different causes, including ovulation disorders, uterine abnormalities, endometriosis, and aging. Some conditions are easily treatable, and your doctor can reverse them. Read the following discussion to learn about the different causes of female infertility.

Ovulation Problems

Polycystic ovary syndrome, commonly called PCOS, results from a hormonal imbalance that interferes with your ovulation process. Also, you can develop primary ovarian insufficiency, which causes ovulation problems by stopping your ovaries from properly working before menopause. Other conditions like having too much prolactin and thyroid issues may also affect your ovulation, affecting your fertility. Too much prolactin and thyroid problems are easily treatable. Therefore, you should seek treatment as soon as you can.


You may be experiencing infertility because of older age. Usually, your body is ready for pregnancy in your 20s because you have many quality eggs. Also, your eggs are less likely to have genetic abnormalities that may lead to congenital issues and miscarriages. However, your eggs reduce their quality with age, and their number also reduces. You may find it difficult to get pregnant as you continue aging and may also have health issues that may cause pregnancy complications.

Blockage in Your Fallopian Tube

Having a blocked fallopian tube will prevent sperm from reaching your eggs and fertilizing them, therefore causing infertility. You can develop blockages because of sexually transmitted infections which may lead to PID that may cause blockage and scarring. Surgery can open your fallopian tubes and allow you to get pregnant.

Uterine Abnormalities

Fibroids are noncancerous masses that develop within your uterine wall. Usually, fibroids may cause heavy menstrual bleeding, especially if they develop near the endometrial lining. However, most fibroids do not develop in the lining of your uterus, thus not impacting your pregnancy. But you will have a high risk of infertility and miscarriages because it interferes with the implantation of your fertilized egg.


With this condition, your uterus lining tissue begins to grow outside the uterus, including inside the fallopian tubes, ovaries, and abdomen. The growth of uterine tissue lining may cause scar tissue development and irritation and then begin to show symptoms like heavy bleeding, pelvic pain, painful sexual intercourse, and unusual spotting. Endometriosis may cause difficulty in getting pregnant as it interferes with implantation.

Abnormal Cervical Mucus

Your body secretes cervical mucus, which allows the survival of sperm in the vagina, which is acidic. However, abnormal cervical mucus prevents sperm from reaching your eggs. Therefore, you may experience infertility because of abnormal cervical mucus.

Many couples have difficulty conceiving even after unprotected sex for up to one year around ovulation. You may need to consider seeing a doctor to evaluate your cause of infertility and come up with a fitting treatment plan. You will want to visit a fertility doctor when you notice you are failing at achieving a pregnancy, so your treatment will be easily successful. Causes of infertility like fibroids may not interfere with your pregnancy but will increase your risk for infertility and even miscarriages.