Health problems can be challenging to deal with. Some health issues can be known and quickly treated, while others can be difficult to spot and diagnose. Such is the case with rosacea. Rosacea is a skin condition that can be confusing to spot and seek treatment.
Some people think rosacea is a condition that only makes your face red. However, the situation is more than just a red face. Rosacea can range in different types and can be tough to live with. In such cases, it will help if you learn the common symptoms of rosacea. Knowing the common symptoms, you can seek proper englewood rosacea treatment at the right time.
Learning the common symptoms of rosacea:
- Facial redness or blushing
One of the most common symptoms of rosacea is facial redness, blushing, or flushing. You might have rosacea if you experience persistent redness, blushing, or flushing in the central part of your face. Rosacea causes swollen skin, visible spider veins, dry skin, sensations of sensitivity, and burning in the skin. If you experience such symptoms, you may likely have rosacea.
- Visible veins
Rosacea can become easy to spot due to its visibility. Rosacea causes you to have veins that are visible clearly. You may also experience visible broken blood vessels when suffering from rosacea. As a result, rosacea may break the blood vessels of your nose and cheeks, causing them to be more apparent.
- Eye conditions
Several people suffering from rosacea have reported eye problems. People with rosacea experience irritated, dry, and swollen eyes or eyelids. Such a health condition affecting the eyes is known as ocular rosacea. Sometimes, symptoms may be more apparent with eyes instead of skin. If you feel you need clarification with the symptoms you are facing, you must contact your healthcare provider promptly, as it will ensure your health condition is preserved and improved.
- Acne breakouts
You should pay attention to acne breakouts as it can be another symptom confirming rosacea. Some people believe acne breakouts are not related to rosacea. However, if you experience acne breakouts where the skin is already red, it may be evident for you to have rosacea. Additionally, your skin may feel oily, sensitive, and stingy with rosacea.
- Skin changes
Another apparent symptom to look out for is changes in your skin health. When suffering from rosacea, your skin may get thick and bumpy. When rosacea changes the skin’s texture, it is known as rhinophyma. Such a symptom can be rare. However, you should pay attention to the skin’s bumpy surface, thickness around the nose, or large pores. Lastly, it would help to look for the thickness of the skin on the chin, cheeks, ears, or forehead.